Associate of Science
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Proficiency Award
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About Program

(805) 289-6430

Program Purpose: 商业学位为学生提供领导领域的教育基础, ethics, communication, project management, decision-making, and management.  因为主题范围很广, 商业是为各种各样的职业道路做准备的绝佳机会, including accounting, business management, non-profit management, finance, teaching, and entrepreneurship.


Program Description: 金沙赌场的商业部门提供广泛的课程, degrees, certificates, 和会计熟练奖, Bookkeeping, Business Management, 企业转让管理, Social Media Marketing, Administrative Assistant, Medical Assistant, and Business Office Skills. 这些项目为学生提供了各行各业的就业机会. 商科课程为学生转学学士学位做准备, career entry, 并成长为管理职位. In addition, 学生可以从一系列课程中进行选择,这些课程将为他们提供创业基础,帮助他们创业. 许多学位和证书是可堆叠的,这样学生就可以通过学习一些额外的课程来完成多个奖项,丰富他们的专业组合.

About the Business Program:


金沙赌场商科是该州最受尊敬的社区学院商科之一, 包括金沙赌场Alpha Beta Gamma分会, 国际商业荣誉协会. 它在全国Alpha Beta Gamma会议上获得了许多奖项,包括:  《卓越财务管理 豪斯曼·西格尔杰出分会会长奖 and the Eva Bobrow卓越奖章奖. 

In addition to these awards, 金沙赌场的商业部门是非常自豪的高素质的师资队伍, whose goal is your success.

学生有机会挣到钱 工商管理副学士学位,可转学 以及副学士学位或成就证书 Business Management and/or Supervision

Career Opportunities:

企业和政府部门的许多职位都需要一般的业务培训. Retail organizations, financial institutions, insurance agencies, 政府只是为数不多的为受过一般商业训练的人提供机会的雇主. 商科毕业生在以下领域找到了大量的就业机会:

  • Reception
  • Administrative assistant
  • Banking services
  • Bookkeeping
  • 就业顾问/官
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Franchise business owner
  • Office manager
  • 一线经理,管理培训生,客户服务经理
  • 质量控制,库存控制
  • Retail sales
  • Marketing


有关这些学位的详细信息, 证书及熟练程度奖励, click on the link below:

Student Learning Outcomes:


Advisory Minutes - 04-28-23
Meeting Minutes - 05-14-21
Meeting Minutes - 04-15-19



Department Chair: Crystal Kallik